We Did The Impossible: We Just Completed The Biggest Order In Rethreaded History

March 17, 2020

We Did The Impossible: We Just Completed The Biggest Order In Rethreaded History

February 2020 will go down as the month where our team did the impossible. 

In December 2019, Brian Wolfburg, the CEO of Vystar, contacted us to place a special order from our Gifts of Hope line. The order was for 2,000 leather journals.

We knew this was the perfect opportunity to put our crazy grit and radical community into practice. Our team rallied together and with incredible determination, they went to work. 

An order of this size would take three months. Our team, along with many volunteers, was able to do it in just six weeks. This order has changed Rethreaded for the better. We cannot wait to see the doors that will open through this opportunity. 

VyStar’s gift order was a significant source of momentum for Rethreaded, according to Kristin Keen, Founder/CEO. “This partnership has been a game-changer for us,” she said. “This was our largest corporate gift order in history, and through that, we got to hire two more women. When we first started it, we were like, ‘How are we going to get this done in this time frame?’ And we did it. It (this order) actually increased the capability of our team.”

“We are excited to give this gift as thanks for everything our employees have done throughout the year, and we hope that you find it valuable… We hope that when you open it up and start to use it as a journal, you think through the lives that you are impacting, by making use of this” says Vystar CEO Brian Wolfburg, to his employees, in Vystar’s video about the project. 

Thank you, Vystar, for using your business to change lives. Due to the size of this order, we were able to hire two more survivor employees! 

Our vision is to never say no to a woman who is ready to start a new life. Vystar brought us that much closer to seeing our vision come to life.

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