
February 24, 2020


Written by our Founder and CEO Kristin Keen in 2012

I just finished working on my talk for the Mukti Gala. As I was writing, thinking and praying, I couldn't stop crying. 

The last two weeks have blown me away. So much good has happened. I know that all seasons will not be like this so I am embracing it and letting it seep deep down into my heart.

I had a revelation this week. I was making an announcement about the Mukti Gala at a women's luncheon this past Saturday. A woman in the audience asked me a question and another woman asked a question, and another and another. Soon they had drawn out of me not only the event details but my heart behind the whole event. Their interest and support made me feel so loved. I was overwhelmed with emotion; these women were not asking me questions to condemn me. These women were asking me questions because they love me. I felt so safe on that stage.

This was the first time I truly felt that I am not alone in this. These women knew what questions to ask because they are just as passionate about seeing these ladies be set free. This group of women is all in. 

They want to give their hearts and time. 

They are for Rethreaded. They are for me. 

They are for the women that will be a part of Rethreaded. 

When survivors join Rethreaded there will already be many women committed to supporting them.

My dear friends took ownership and have planned the most amazing Mukti Ball. They were all in. They know what Rethreaded wants to do so they have given their time, money and gifts to make it happen.

Rethreaded is reaching this tipping point. It’s growing. God is moving. He is touching people's hearts and they want to be involved. Women are writing us letters back. People that are friends of friends are getting connected.

What is happening is everything I have dreamed about. I know its sounds cheesy but I want an army to rise up that will fight for the people affected by the sex trade. It's happening and the beautiful thing

This road is marked with so much grace. 

Grace because I failed someone today. 

Grace because I often want to do it all and be all to everyone.

Grace because I hold community with such high regard that when I hurt someone I want it to hide and be ashamed. 

However, as a wise friend said to me today, "When you fail it makes room for grace."

I am enjoying this road so far. It’s the start of so much.


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