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Three Ways One Valentine’s Gift Can Express Love

February 02, 2017

It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and I hope for you, love is in the air. As I start thinking about getting the perfect gift for my someone special this year, I started thinking about what it really means to love. How it is less than a feeling and more of an action. I reasoned that on a day that is supposed to represent love, I can express it in much more ways that one.

1. Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

It’s not as difficult as it sounds. I learned that just by changing where I buy my gifts from I can add value and substance into the life of a woman. When I shop at companies like Rethreaded, I know the mission and the purpose behind the company. I know that I am actively choosing to invest in women, that they are being offered economic empowerment through employment. Each product is handcrafted by a survivor who is receiving new life, and through my purchase, I get to be a part of it.

2. Share Hope

When I get to give a gift that has such a beautiful story, I also get to spread a message of hope. It holds so much more value that the gift I’m giving will still mean something past next week, it’ll be something I know will be cherished because it changed someone’s life. Some of the products at Rethreaded are made in Jacksonville, others in places like India and Cambodia. Each one is special and holds so much value.  It is like a break in the far too often negative messages we each receive each day.

3. Give a Beautiful Gift

With the gifts I buy at Rethreaded I am making a difference in someone’s life, I am sharing hope, but I am also giving the person I love a really beautiful gift. When I buy a purse like the City Bag, I know that a person stitched the seams when I buy an Infinity Necklace a woman molded the metal when I buy a Grace Scarf a woman wound the wrap, and I know that it was all done with the utmost care. Each gift is unique and handcrafted, and I know it will wow them!

So with one act, I can express love in three ways. I can shop for freedom, hope and love.

Shop our Valentine’s Day Gift Guide for great gift ideas.

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