Rethreaded offers a safe work environment where survivors can begin to thrive and reclaim their lives. Through work at Rethreaded, our employees learn to see their worth, and reach their true potential. The harmful effects of the sex trade unravel, and the far reaching and corrosive thread binding them is broken. Each hour of training and work represents a stitch of peace. When she heals, her family heals, her community heals, and peace has rippled out into places where there was none.
This is the journey of the Peace Pillow. Used as either an accent piece, or a full set in your home, it has purpose and meaning. The signature T-Shirt Ripple adds depth and detail to our pillows, and represents the spreading of peace in an individual’s heart and out into our community. This is how she sews her new story.
Fabrics are donated from high end-designers.
Some of it comes in small sizes.
Some of it comes in large sizes.
Our Artisan Seamstresses can use it all.
She pairs the fabric with upcycled T-shirts,
and draws up her plans for the placement of the Ripple.
Carefully she cuts out her pattern,
the pillow begins to take shape.
A little heat is applied.
She irons in creases, and out the wrinkles.
A swatch of T-Shirt is sewn on to the fabric,
where using our trade secret the Ripple will be sewn.
Soon the Ripple of peace will be sewn,
one of our trade secrets.
The pillow form is sewn,
and stuffed.
Near to completion,
the zipper is placed.
We take what was to be discarded,
and give it purpose and meaning.
Each pillow is unique,
and has a story of peace to tell.
The end result speaks to the power of transformation,
the power of what peace can bring.