A Mother's Response

August 02, 2013

Recently, I had the opportunity to go see Trade of Innocents at an A21 Campaign event nearby. When the invite went out a few weeks ahead of the viewing, I had half a mind to go and half a mind to stay home. Trafficking has always weighed heavily on my heart, and I wanted to get more involved. On the other hand, I knew I was pretty much guaranteed to become an emotional basket case at the viewing. Things fell into place and, at the last minute, I left the house to go.

In the car ride alone to the theatre (a rare event for this mother) I began to cry (not a rare event). And the movie hadn’t even started yet! I thought how utterly my heart would break if it was my daughter in the sex trade. I cried salty tears until I thought I should probably pull over. I was trying to give myself a pep talk and pull myself together when I felt God speak to me.

I felt God say gently that crying over my own daughter in this moment was actually one of the lowest responses I could have. While my motherhood instincts felt initially offended I realized, you know what, it isn’t my daughter who is living out this nightmare. Nor will it ever be. It is, in fact, other little girls and women. Girls and women who are just as precious and special to God as my own daughter.

But most of these girls and women, unlike my own daughter, don’t have someone who would go to the ends of the earth to protect them. I felt my tears and emotions turn from my own selfish response (i.e., what would I do if something like this happened to my own daughter?) and focus outward. What can I do to help these girls who don’t have anyone?

If I had a big house I’d share it. If I could take a minivan through the brothels and pick the girls up to fly them somewhere safe, I would.  If I could brush their hair, tell them they are beautiful and make them feel safe, it would be my pleasure.

However, right now in my current stage of life I’m not able to directly come into contact with these girls and women who are so desperate for God’s rescue, restoration and healing. Maybe I can’t look these girls in the eyes, but I can do something. At least, I can do more than nothing.

Rethreaded’s vision is a noble way we can get involved from our own part of the world. More than just giving money, we can give these women something to do with their time and with their hands. We can help increase their worth and skills so they’ll be more equipped to function outside of their present. We can help give them a future.

I’m so excited to see what God will do with Rethreaded and can’t wait to play my own small part!


Rachel blogs at A Mother Far from Home on parenting, motherhood, household fun and the spiritual life with children. She’s a stay-at-home and work-from-home mom who (as of August 2013) has 3 children under 2.5. She’s lived on 3 continents, speaks 3 languages and has a heart for hurting children and adults alike who need God’s rescuing touch. 

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