What is Mukti Freedom Fundraiser

January 22, 2013

Just imagine.  That fancy dress you have hanging in your closet with no place to wear it is finally coming out.  You brush of the dust and admire it once again.  Your jewelry set that seems too fancy to go with anything else you own will be gracefully worn for another memorable evening.  Men, you may not enjoy showing off your fancy clothes as much, but imagine putting on your formal attire and looking classier than ever!  You walk up the festively lit ramp to the industrial chic warehouse and tell the door guard your name.  Your heart beats a little faster with excitement as you hear the rumble of music and laughter coming from inside.  Your name is checked off the list and you make your way to the entrance.  You are greeted by a smiling face, “Welcome to Mukti Freedom Fundraiser.  Enjoy your evening.”  Your face lights up as you enter the room and….we must stop here.  If we explain the rest of the evening, we will spoil the surprise!  
As you may have guessed, the third annual Mukti Fundraiser is here!  What makes this year better than the past two years?  We have employees!  As of November 5, 2012, Rethreaded has hired the first three women here in Jacksonville.  At the time of Mukti 2013, they will have completed 4 months of a holistic training program including sewing, art, and life skills.  Our generous supporters provided all of the funding for the training through our 8.25 Invest In Freedom campaign.  The Mukti Freedom Fundraiser offers a chance for people to come, get dressed up, and continue investing in the freedom of our women and the many more that will come through the doors of Rethreaded.  Now that the first training session is completed, we are dreaming to break the cycle of the sex trade through many more trainings!  As you give to Rethreaded, you can join in our dream by helping us build the capacity to continue growing and employing more women in freedom!
Without spoiling the surprise of Mukti, let us tell you a little bit more about what will be included with your purchase of a $35 ticket.  All guests will be in semi-formal attire.  The event will start at 6:30 with a cocktail hour where you can mingle and enjoy a few drinks and appetizers with your friends.  During this time, you will be able to bid on our silent auction items, purchase Rethreaded merchandise, and view the collages made by our employees during their training.  Then, we will move to another room where you can enjoy a sit down dinner served by Ashley Street Catering (Clara White Mission).  During dinner, Rethreaded will provide a 30 minute program providing more information about the organization and our vision including testimonials from our first employees.  There will also be an opportunity for you to support this cause financially through giving stations.  After dinner, the silent auction will end, desserts will be provided and the after-party will start!  During dinner, the alcoholic beverages will not be served out of respect for our women the bars will be reopened for the after-party.  Four Families will give a live concert while you continue hanging out, enjoying a few drinks, and have the opportunity to purchase more Rethreaded products.  Mukti is a fun and fancy evening where you can enjoy delicious food and learn more about how to be involved with Rethreaded.  You can help women all around the world find freedom from the sex trade as they sew a new story by joining with Rethreaded.  
Don’t miss this incredible evening! You can purchase your tickets today at  http://tinyurl.com/augrttm .  

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